Pika Labs AI Text to Video Generator (Free) | Pika Art 1.5

Pika Labs AI, the free AI video generator that can turn your text or image prompts into short, engaging videos. We'll dive deep into Pika Art 1.5, exploring its features and sharing tips and advice from experienced users to help you make the most of this powerful tool.

Price: Free

Operating System: Web Application

Application Category: Text to Video Converter

Pika Labs AI, the free AI video generator that can turn your text or image prompts into short, engaging videos. We’ll dive deep into Pika Art 1.5, exploring its features and sharing tips and advice from experienced users to help you make the most of this powerful tool.

Pika Labs AI Overview:

AI ToolPika Labs AI
PurposeText to Video Converter
DeveloperPika Art
Official websitepika.art
Latest VersionPika 1.5
User-FriendlySuitable for all skill levels
CustomizationFine-tune animations
Use CasesImage to Video, Text to Video

Introducing Pika Labs AI

Pika Labs AI is a free AI video generator that transforms text or image prompts into short videos. It’s a versatile tool that allows users to generate engaging video content with ease. Whether you’re looking to convey ideas, tell stories, or add visuals to your content, Pika Labs AI simplifies the process and offers a range of creative possibilities.

Pika Labs Tutorials

Pika Labs AI Features:

1. Free AI Video Generator: Pika Labs AI is a no-cost platform for creating videos using AI technology.

2. Text and Image Prompts: Users can input text descriptions or upload images as prompts to generate videos.

3. Video Length and Frame Rate: Pika creates videos that are approximately four seconds long and typically run at 24 frames per second.

4. Discord-Based Interface: Pika operates within Discord, offering a familiar environment for users to interact with the AI.

5. Community Collaboration: Users can join Pika’s Discord server to collaborate with other creators and seek assistance.

6. Text Prompt Structuring: Users can structure text prompts with elements like medium, style, scene, action, and atmospheric keywords to guide video generation.

Pika Labs AI Text to Video

Pika Labs AI is a powerful platform that seamlessly transforms both text and images into videos, unlocking a world of creative possibilities.

  • Text To Video
  • Image To Video
  • Hyper-realistic Videos
  • Generative Art
  • Free to use

Pika Labs AI Review

AI Team

User Interface
Text to Video
Image to Video


Pika Labs AI simplifies video creation with text and images, offering a user-friendly and hassle-free experience.


Pros and Cons:

  • User-Friendly
  • Versatile Output
  • Creative Freedom
  • Collaborative Community
  • Free to use
  • Learning Curve
  • Variable Output Quality
  • Discord Dependency


1. What is Pika Labs AI?

2. How do I use Pika Labs AI?

3. Are watermarks added to the videos created with Pika Labs AI?

4. Can I collaborate with others on Pika Labs AI?

5. What if I’m new to video creation?

What’s New in Pika 1.5?

Now, let’s talk about the new features and improvements that make Pika 1.5 so special.

Image-to-Video and Text-to-Video Enhancements

In version 1.5, both image-to-video and text-to-video generation tools have been significantly upgraded. I checked out some examples shared by the community, and I was really impressed by the results.

For example, there was a video clip of a skateboarder rounding a corner, and while the AI had to predict what would be around the bend, it managed to handle the physics quite well.

Improved Human Features (Almost)

Another highlight in Pika 1.5 is how much better it handles human features. One of the trickiest aspects for AI has been teeth in generated videos, but in this version, the teeth look surprisingly good.

However, we still see the same old issue with AI-generated hands, which can sometimes appear a bit off.

This is a common problem in AI-generated visuals, but it’s clear that Pika is making strides toward fixing these quirks.

Camera Control: A New Way to Create Dynamic Shots

If you’ve used Pika before, you might notice that traditional camera controls are no longer available in version 1.5.

This doesn’t mean you’ve lost the ability to create cool shots. Instead, camera movements, including popular effects like bullet time, are now fully integrated into the text prompts.

This shift allows for more dynamic and creative shots, such as 360° camera movements around floating objects. It’s a powerful tool that gives your videos a smooth, cinematic feel, perfect for taking your projects to the next level.

Fun with Pika Effects

One of the most fun aspects of this update is the addition of Pika Effects. With Pika 1.5, you can now apply a variety of creative effects to your videos.

Some of the effects include:

  • Squish
  • Melt
  • Inflate
  • Explode
  • Crush
  • Cake-ify

While these might sound a little quirky, sometimes adding a playful, creative touch is just what your video project needs. These effects are already becoming super popular on social media, so you can expect to see more of them popping up in people’s posts.

Pricing: Should You Upgrade?

Now, let’s talk about the pricing plans. Although the free tier is back, you might be thinking about upgrading to one of Pika’s paid plans.

However, I’d recommend holding off for a little while. Right now, even users on standard and pro plans are facing long queues because of the current high demand.

Getting Started with Pika Labs

Pika Labs operates through Discord or pika.art, a popular video generation platform. To begin your journey with Pika, you’ll need to join their Discord server, which offers various generation rooms.

These rooms are where the magic happens, and you can start by using the Pika bot or text boxes to create your prompts.

  • Open your browser and search for Pika on Google.
  • Find the official website and hit the invite button to access Pika’s official server on Discord.
  • Ensure you have your own Discord account ready before diving in.
  • Remember to agree to the terms of use and familiarize yourself with the rules outlined by Pika.

Upon entering the server, you’ll notice various channels, each catering to different usage scenarios. Choose a channel based on your specific needs. Note that using bots for video creation is limited to certain channels.

Once you’re in a generation room, you can initiate the video creation process by typing “/create” in the text box. Alternatively, you can now message the Pika bot privately for a more personalized experience.

Learning from the Pika Community

If you’re new to Pika, it’s a good idea to spend some time in the generation rooms. Observing what others are doing and asking questions can be a valuable learning experience. The Pika community is generally friendly and helpful, making it easier for newcomers to get started.

Structuring Your Text Prompts

Text prompts are a fundamental way to instruct Pika in generating your videos. While there’s no one-size-fits-all formula for successful prompts, a well-structured prompt can help Pika better understand your vision. Here’s a breakdown of how to structure a text prompt:

Medium and Style

  • Start with the medium, such as cinematic, 3D animation, or 2D animation.
  • Follow it with the style or genre, like action film or drama film.
  • Consider adding a filmmaker’s name if it’s relevant to your vision.

Scene and Action

  • Use “scene” to describe the character and location of the scene.
  • Use “action” to describe what the character is doing or what’s happening in the scene.

Modulate with Atmospheric Keywords

  • Atmospheric keywords like rain, fog, or specific lighting can add ambiance to your video.

Examples of Text Prompts

Let’s look at a couple of text prompts and their results:

  1. Cinematic medium, crime film, a man wearing a black suit in a New York diner drinking coffee, 1960s aesthetic. Result: A scene with a man in a black suit, reminiscent of the 1960s, in a diner.
  2. Cinematic medium, dramatic film, close-up, a young fisherman on a boat looks longingly at the woman he loves, smiling, rain falling. Result: A scene with a young fisherman and a woman in a romantic moment.

While text prompts can yield interesting results, especially for nature-related scenes, they might require some trial and error to achieve your desired output.

Image Prompts: Adding Context and Inspiration

Image prompts allow you to upload images that provide context and inspire Pika’s output. While image prompting might seem less intuitive, it can be a powerful tool once you get the hang of it.

To use an image prompt, simply type “/create” and select the image option. Uploading an image provides Pika with visual cues, reducing the need for detailed text descriptions. This can be particularly useful for scenes that rely heavily on visual elements.

Enhancing Your Videos with Camera Controls

One of the most exciting features in Pika Labs is the “Dash Camera” command. It gives you precise control over camera movements within your video. This feature opens up new creative possibilities, allowing you to explore different angles and perspectives.

For example, you can add commands like “Dash Camera Pan Up and Left” to create dynamic camera movements that can bring your scenes to life. Experimenting with camera controls can lead to visually captivating results.

Learning from the Pika Community

To help you make the most of Pika Labs, we’ve collected some valuable advice from experienced users within the Pika community:

1. Experiment and Iterate

Don’t hesitate to reroll your prompts multiple times (at least three) before moving on. Pika often improves its output with each iteration.

2. Explain Like You’re 5

When crafting prompts, consider explaining your vision as if you were describing it to a child. Simplify your ideas to make them more accessible to the AI.

3. Master Motion Controls

Explore the motion controls feature, but also be aware that Pika now handles higher motion levels more gracefully.

4. Optimal Prompt Length

Keep your prompts concise and to the point. Avoid overly lengthy descriptions, as they may lead to less desirable results.

5. Harness the Power of Negative Prompts

Negative prompts can be a game-changer. Craft a base negative prompt that includes elements you want to avoid and modify it as needed.

These insights from the Pika community can help you navigate the world of AI video generation more effectively.

Pika Labs AI Quick Tutorial

Creation Demonstration

Creating content on Pika is a cakewalk:

  1. Head to the public creation channel and initiate a direct message with the pikabot.
  2. Type ‘/create’ to kickstart video creation.
  3. Input your prompt in the chat box and send it to generate the desired video.
  4. Optionally, upload a reference image for Pika to use as the initial frame.
  5. For better results aligned with your vision, upload your ideal image directly without a prompt.

Giving Feedback and Editing

Pika allows for seamless feedback and editing:

  • Express satisfaction by giving a thumbs-up or provide feedback with a thumbs-down.
  • Click ‘regenerate’ to prompt Pika to create another video based on the same parameters.
  • Explore the ‘remix’ feature to edit prompts, rectify errors, or experiment with new ideas.
  • Remember, avoid generic phrases for better results. Add specific prompts to describe desired movements or features.

Parameter Setting Demonstration

Let’s delve into optional parameters:

Frames Per Second (FPS): Higher FPS means smoother videos. Pika defaults to 24 FPS, but you can experiment with different rates for varied effects.

Motion: Adjust the intensity of motion in the video from one to four for different visual impacts.

Guidance Scale (GS): Tune the relevance of the text to the video. Recommended values range from 8 to 24.

Negative Prompt (Neg): Prevent specific content from appearing in the video, though elements originally present might be challenging to eliminate entirely.

Aspect Ratio (AR): Modify the video’s aspect ratio using predefined ratios or a custom setting.

Seed: Maintain consistency across generated images by using the same seed number.

Camera: Explore dynamic camera features to enhance video effects.

Camera Features

Pika’s camera features add depth and dynamism to your videos:

  • Camera Pan: Move the viewpoint in different directions for captivating effects.
  • Camera Zoom: Zoom in or out to focus on specific elements within the video.
  • Camera Rotate: Rotate the camera clockwise or counterclockwise to create a visually engaging experience.

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